Shin Splint Recovery Treatment After Injury

Shin Splint Recovery Treatment After Injury

Dry bones, also known as tibial bone with also known as tibial bone with, where the hardest bones in the human body that serves as the underpinning of the members of the upper and lower body motion and other functions of bone as a tool called body movers with a loco motor.

Bone dry a serious injury can occur if you perform an activity force the foot to run without a break to stop, then on leg and your feet will happen the tension and soreness commonly referred to with the term or stress on the shins.

Stress on the bone dry in a medical case, also known as tibial stress syndrome or another term called also with symptoms of shin splint.

Understanding and quick overview of Shin Splint

Shin splint is a pain in the shins. Shin is the meaning of the Shin or tibial bone while the splint is a pain because of the stress on that bone.

Then anyone who is suffering from a shin splint or injured Shins?

In case of injury Epidemiology Shins 10-15% complained of by the runners and 60% due to trauma to the legs, while 25-30% complained of by dancers, athletes jump higher, etc.

The process of the onset of pain in the shins and calves You

How the process of occurrence of pain in the shins?

Dry bones would suffer overuse or physical stress where in our body not only the mind of stress, but bones can also experience stress that in use over on dry bones (Shank Bone) due to running fast in a long time and without stopping and then we rest for a moment, then it will experience pain and rheumatic pain in the bones.

It was common underlying processes by runners, soccer players, futsal player, etc.

So the stress on the bone result in disruption of the locomotor you while running and look hobbled grimace while holding sick.

Well, for this case is indeed belongs to the rare in General and it will happen if we do activities as above.

Continue to how to cope with injured Shins?

To address cases of injury of bone dry can do and how here.

How To Overcome A Calf Injury (Shin) Correctly

Injury to the bones of calves as you run and sports took place stress on the bone dry, perform the appropriate steps:

1. Rest Your Calves

Once you have experienced an injury to the calf You try to do the relaxation by way of sitting and straighten Your legs to the fore while in rocking-rocking on dry bones (bone tibialis) quickly repeat 20 x where the purpose of this exercise is to lose tone on muscle and tibial muscle calf muscle or a muscle called the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of yours.

If already feel relaxed, then proceed with the proper method of positioning on Your calf muscle muscle, where stretching calf muscles you do by way of stretch, a sitting position is still the same i.e. limbs straight forward and pull both ends of your toes, feel under the Shin muscle calf muscle pull there.

For the image can be seen as the example below where the muscles of the calf muscle and hamstring muscles that experience thightnes experienced relief.

Stretching the muscles of the Calves and thighs

When already experiencing a sense of stretching in the muscle, then Buddy could do a cooling or cool down on muscle and bone dry ice by administering or can also use ethyl chlor spray that serves to decrease the degree of pain with How to raise the vasokontriksi from that injury and close gate gate the pain from the injury that you have experienced.

2. Use Compresses of ice or spray with Ethyl Chlor Spray

The benefits of ice can eliminate the degree of pain on Your Shins, where the process requires pain receptors decrease cold to close gate gate control pain pain in the shins so You will be reduced to a number of number of 70-90%.

The proper way to use the ice compress on the shins started from the direction of the distal or proximal to the knee from the direction to the tip of your toes, place each point for 3-5 minutes and feel the ice cools the skin and your bones.

Ice compress from proximal to Distal

If you are using ethyl chlor spray, then simply spray from the knee to the tip of your toes, over and over again in the spraying in order vasokontriksi perfectly.

Effect of cold ethyl chlor cold shortly, but to penetrate the layers of the epidermis and skin below regarding Your Shins, so no need to worry if there is inflammation in the area where you want to decrease pain in a short time.

3. Use a pain relief Drug

Like my description above where the ice can decrease the pain 70-90 percent, so as to overcome the pain in, pharmacological methods should do therapy in which the use of anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the pain of pain to approaching 99% where the effects these drugs help in coping with pain on Your Shins.

About pain relief drug can choose paracetamol, mefenamic acid, ibuprofen or other pain drugs types which can cope with your pain.

4. Do Exercise

Exercise or exercise here made on time after going on Your Shins injury at least 6-12 hours by light exercise so that the stress on the tibial bone you can return recovered by way of doing exercises such as the following:

A. Lift The Heel Exercise

Heel lifting exercises are beneficial for stretching Your tibial bone (tibia) by means of lifting the heels during sleep, walk like the image below and keep this position up to a limit of 20 x count and repeat up to 5 x.

Exercises with this method better done after 6-12 hours of post trauma on Your Shins, so with this exercise you can perform treatment on leg, shank and your thighs.

Isometric movements also you can use with this exercise, where the calf muscles while heel dikontraksikan is driven in this position to help the bones back in the normal position

Isometric exercise is very useful to get back the elastic bone that is experiencing tension.

B. The Hamstring and Calf Muscle Exercises

Don't forget to do exercises such as the image below by way of pulling Your limbs with a cloth where the method of stretching is useful to penguluran muscle calf muscle and hamstring thightnes.

Beside that, this exercise is also very useful in the release position of the calf muscles and bones strong dry scroll on Your Shins.

Post trauma on the shank bone dry in some cases would appear to be worse when in the 6-12 hour was not done treatment which happens to Overuse of the dry bones will result in weakness in muscles and locomotor disorders so when you walk into a distracted.

Of the 4 methods above if done in sequence and done right, then it is certain pain and injury to Your Shins will recover quickly.

Hopefully this information helps You, thank you.

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