What You Should Know About Preventing Services

What You Should Know About Preventing Services

In addition to treating you when you are sick, your doctor can follow a program designed to help you stay healthy.

This program tells the doctor which preventive services you need depending on your age, medical history, and family history.

A preventive service can be a test or it can be an advice from your doctor.

Preventive services include but are not limited to:

  1. Tests to check your general health or the health of certain parts of your body
  2. Regular measurements of weight, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure
  3. Advice about diet, exercise, tobacco, alcohol and drug use, stress ,and accident prevention
  4. Immunizations for both children and adults
  5. Special tests at certain times in your life such as during pregnancy and after age 50

Follow your doctor's advice about check ups, healthy lifestyle choices, and medicines that prevent problems such as blood pressure medicine.

Preventive services are offered in your community.

If you're not sure you need the service being offered, ask your doctor. Most health insurance companies pay for at least some preventive services.

If you aren't sure what preventive services your insurance covers, read your health plan's patient manual or call the health plan's office.
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